So, who do you trust? Well, you can start by trusting a board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Warren Schutte at Front Range Plastic Surgery. An experienced, certified surgeon is always going to be committed to your best interest, not in just booking another surgery on their schedule. Once you’ve read some of the facts here, we encourage you to come in and meet Dr. Schutte for a consultation about a tummy tuck or any other plastic surgery that you may be considering. Or office serves patients in Loveland, Fort Collins and the entire Colorado Front Range.
The next place to go is to trusted sources like The American Society of Plastic Surgeons and The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. Both are great sources of information, but both are industry-facing organizations with a lot of information to sort through in order to find the details that are important to you. So, we’ve gathered some of the most important facts for you here, in one place, so you have an easy, single-point of reference where you can get your questions answered.
Who is a Good Candidate
If you are generally healthy, have maintained, and expect to continue to maintain, a healthy weight for the past year, are a physically-active nonsmoker and just can’t seem to get the flat, toned appearance you desire, then you are probably a good candidate.
The procedure, and the results, are different for everyone, so in addition to understanding the facts, a good candidate will always have a thorough consultation with their surgeon, and ask all of the important questions we’ve outlined here, to make sure that they understand exactly what to expect.
Recovery time for a tummy tuck is something to consider carefully before undergoing the procedure. In most cases, you won’t be able to return to 100 percent of your normal activities for a couple of weeks.
You will either have dressings and bandages or an elastic compression garment to wear for a couple of weeks. And, very likely, drainage tubes will be inserted to let excess fluid and blood drain from the surgery site. You’ll also have a list of instructions from your surgeon. It is very important to follow those instructions, to make sure your muscles heal correctly and completely.

Questions to ask
When you are in the process of choosing your surgeon, be sure to discuss these very important topics before committing to surgery.
Discuss your goals, be honest about any underlying conditions, previous surgeries and medications you are taking. You may not think that a medication or condition is relevant, but let your surgeon make that determination. Your candidness with your surgeon plays an important role in determining the outcome of your procedure.
Find out if your surgeon is certified, how long they have been certified, and how many times they have successfully performed the procedure.
Ask to look at before and after photos, and if those photos raise any questions or concerns, discuss them.