Tummy Tuck Basics

Front Range Plastic Surgery is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality cosmetic and surgery. This week’s blog topic is Abdominoplasty. This procedure is commonly known as a tummy tuck and we’ll go over some basics.

What is a tummy tuck?

  • A tummy tuck is a major surgery that eliminates excess fat and skin from the abdominal area.
  • Abdominal muscles are tightened and shortened.
  • Can remove stretch marks and scars.

What will the results be like?

  • You can see images of before and after tummy tucks here.
  • Your abdomen will be flatter and firmer, and  more proportionate to your body.

Who is a good candidate for a tummy tuck?

  • Men and women in good health.
  • Women who have had multiple pregnancies and, as a result,  have stretched their abdominal muscles.
  • Have an accumulation of excess skin and fat that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise.
  • Older patients with slight obesity and the accompanying loose abdominal skin.
  • People who have lost a significant amount of weight and have excessive skin.

Who should consider postponing their tummy tuck?

  • Women who are considering a future pregnancy.
  • People who plan to lose a significant amount of weight.

What is the recovery like?

  • A tummy tuck is a major surgery and does require recovery time.
  • There is medication to be taken in the recovery process, painkillers and antibiotics are the most common.
  • There will be a pressure garment to wear while you recover.
  • There will be a few days of drainage tubes which are effective in minimize swelling.

There is so much more to say, but we are out of time for this week, check back for our next blog. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to call our office for a consultation with Dr. Schutte. 970.372.2310

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