Can You Scuba Dive After Breast Augmentation?

When you get a breast augmentation, it takes a while to adjust! There are things that you won’t have thought of before the procedure that you suddenly wonder about. One of these things is scuba diving. Though we are located in a landlocked state, everyone loves to take a vacation somewhere tropical, and many women with augmented breasts wonder if they can still scuba dive. There is concern that the implants will compress so much that they burst. There is no need for this concern!

To understand why your breast implants will be fine, you need to understand just what compresses when scuba diving. Gas compresses, but solid matter does not. To put it simply, if your breasts were actual balloons of air, you would have reason to worry. Not a single breast implant is created this way, so there is no need to worry. However, we do have some recommendations if you want to get into that beautiful water:

  • Consult with us before you dive. This is a normal precaution following any surgical procedure.
  • In general, you will find yourself waiting six weeks to return to the water. However, that depends on the doctor and the type of surgery, so make sure you check in and get the full picture.
  • Follow your surgeon’s advice. This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s amazing how many people don’t!

As we wrap up, we want to address another question: will your breast implants make you more buoyant? Saline implants are neutral and silicone implants are a bit heavy, but neither will make a noticeable difference.

Make an appointment to consult with our Board-Certified plastic surgeon in Loveland today!

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